About Me

As we all know having a baby changes your life. It changes your body, your friends, your work, your self-esteem. And however good a change it may be, it's hard. We don't get as much sleep as we used to, we don't put the same effort into getting ready, and for those reasons and many more we simply don't see ourselves the same. These were only a start to the reasons I became a professional nail technician.

Before I had my son in January 2014, I had finished my degree and planned on going to medical school. But then we decided it was more important for my husband to go to school and for me to become a mother. What a wonderful decision that was! However, after months of falling in love with this new baby my sense of self had become lost. I didn't do my hair or make-up anymore, and the only thing I could seem to find time to do for myself was my nails.

Thus, my passion for nails began. I started doing my friends' nails, practicing nail art, and eventually sought out an education at Color My Nails School of Nail Technology. I realized I wanted to be able to do one of those simple things to help women feel beautiful; especially busy moms.

Choosing to do nails professionally was not just a career decision for me, it was a lifestyle choice. We as women, especially those of us mothers, need to take the time to get our nails done, hang out with the girls, and talk to other adults! I love to get to know people and want to have enjoyable friendships with all my clients. So please ask me questions, tell me about your hobbies; it can only improve the service I can provide to you.

I hope through the years Kunzler Nails can become a group of women enjoying other's company and getting some simple beauty back into their life.

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